Happy Thanksgiving to our Blue Devils! We hope you enjoy your holiday.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
A Turkey on a brown background with the message "Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at" with the RCS logo
The Roscoe Central School Class of 2023 will host five games of the American Basketball Association’s Catskill Cardinals in the gymnasium. Games will be at 3 p.m. Saturdays, Nov. 26, Dec. 10, Jan. 7, Jan. 28 and Feb. 11. There is a suggested donation of $3 per person to enter, and concessions will be available. Proceeds benefit the senior class.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
On a wrinkled paper looking background reads class of 2023 fundraiser with the RCS logo in the middle
The fifth graders are using their math skills to plan a Thanksgiving dinner party for 10 guests. They must choose items to serve, explain why they chose those items, and calculate the cost of how much food they will need. The real challenge is that they can't exceed their small budget of $100.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
Students work to prepare lists at desks
Students work to prepare lists at desks
Students work to prepare lists at desks
Students work to prepare lists at desks
Our Kindergartners celebrated the 50th Day of school last week with a day of all things "50" (including the 1950s). See more photos on our Facebook page
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
Students pose in two lines in front of a sign that says "Rock 'n' Roll Diner"
Wondering what to get your favorite Blue Devil or Blue Devil family member for the holidays? Check out our spirit webstore at https://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/new_york/roscoe/roscoe-high-school. A portion of the proceeds go to the RCS Student Council. Order before Nov. 28 to get it in time for Christmas!
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
Students in Computer Skills Class updated the classic choose your own adventure books by designing an app that does the same thing. Try out a few of our students' stories for yourself. Just click following links to the app — then play! https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/5fQ7Cwap1-hLCcYxM06ORI8viSRWj_L9cNOqoEo-FUw https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/hqcjXs6Yl4jzMfNXJ-PLgy_GaOp2vq2FBBXpGaBOg5M https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/UTXUKAxyFWhs8Kt2CnakTNbiMaiDu91Qfax0xXRldWw https://studio.code.org/projects/applab/tCAs-MFYa6K5S_2q-8VlbEaj88xF0HOTI_rmiHdgyJM
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
A student stands near a screen displaying a game created during computer skills class.
A student stands near a screen displaying a "minions" book cover.
A student stands near a screen displaying a game created during computer skills class.
A student stands near a screen displaying a game created during computer skills class.
Roscoe Central School had five students participate in the Liberty Elks Hoop Shoot on Saturday, Nov. 12, at the Liberty Middle School. Our students earned second and third place for 10- and 11-year-old girls, with Mila Park and Jayda Teipelke, respectively; third place for 12- and 13-year-old boys with Liam Husson; and second and fourth place for 10- and 11-year-old boys with Carson Branch and Lawson Grossman, respectively. Congratulations to you all.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
Five students in black shirts with Liberty Elks Hoop Shoot on them pose for a photo in a gymnasium.
Students in Computer Skills class took their coding skills to the next level by coded Microbits (a small computer chip). They made their own pianos by creating an electronic circuit so when they pressed the foil different sounds would play, as well as created a reaction game. See the games in action at https://docs.google.com/file/d/18ejlmAsX5oiSYFRQRk_QpNT67gR9XVP-/preview and https://docs.google.com/file/d/1jo27Y2-ZyAPlrvta1X-GLZ1EByfhGIAn/preview
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
A student poses with a "Piano" made with foil, wires, a white paper and a computer chip.
A student poses with a "Piano" made with foil, wires, a white paper and a computer chip.
A student poses with a "Piano" made with foil, wires, a white paper and a computer chip.
A student poses with a "Piano" made with foil, wires, a white paper and a computer chip.
Our combined Roscoe-Livingston Manor football team played its last game of the season on Nov. 5. It was the final time on the gridiron for our seniors Nicholas Cusumano, Daniel Tolbert , Anthony Teipelke, Robert Staudt, Morgan McKinley, Ryan Rampe, Andrew Gaebel and Brenden Green.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
Eight football player stand in a line
Yearbook has put together a new online yearbook sales order center. Students, parents and businesses can order yearbooks directly from the website as well as design and place their own ads. Visit https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/jobSearch/displayHome and enter the school code 14470. Presale discounts are in effect until Dec. 31. For more information, contact Mrs. Henke at shenke@roscoe.k12.ny.us.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
On  a white wrinkle look background is the RCS logo and Yearbook
RCS third graders, and their stuffed animals, visited UHS Delaware Valley Hospital's teddy bear clinic on Wednesday, Nov. 2. There, they were able to learn more about what happens at a hospital and were able to see the inside of an ambulance.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
Students pose with their stuffed animals.
Students holding stuffed animals stand in an ambulance next to a gurney
Students holding stuffed animals stand in an ambulance next to a gurney
A medical professional looks over a doll on a table as two students watch
There will be a fundraiser to benefit the Coach Fred Ahart Foundation from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 17 at the Rockland House at 159 Rockland Road in Roscoe. Baskets and prize donations are being accepted and may be dropped of at 87 Rockland Road in Roscoe. Those who wish to donate may also call 607-498-4341 to arrange for pick up. Donations may also be mailed to The Coach Fred Ahart Foundation, P.O. Box 293, Roscoe, NY 12776. Calling for the raffle, which will feature theme baskets, gift certificates, art, a 50/50 and more, will begin at 8 p.m. There will be cash bar and hors d'oeuvres, with music by Mystic Entertainment. For more information, visit the foundation's Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/coachfredahartfoundation
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
A flyer with the foundation logo at top left, a basketball with we love you coach and The Rock on it and a photo of a person in a blue shirt and cap talking to two football players, with the information in the post also provided.
Eighth grade students recently studied the photograph of Lewis Hines. His photos caught what child labor really looked like in the early 20th century, resulting in the passage of child labor laws to protect children.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
A student look intently at a worksheet on a desk
Students look at photos taped to a chalkboard and write on worksheets
Students look at photographs taped to walls.
A student looks at photographs taped to an easel
Dr. Stephen Birchak, better known as Dr. Bird, returned to Roscoe last week for an assembly about choices, positivity and kindness for seventh through 12th graders. It was a very powerful message with a lots of laughter mixed in. Thanks for returning, Dr. Bird. See more photos on our Facebook page.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
A man in Yoda ears stand in front of a screen that reads "Baby Yodalogy"
A man wears a tiara and holds a wand in front of a screen
A man holding large playing cards stands with students also holding large cards
A man wears a Hulk fist in front of a computer screen.
Mrs. Elisabeth Boylan and Deputy Beebe recently visited the PreK class. When Mrs. Boylan came she explained how the mail system works. She told the class she drives a mail truck and delivers mail and packages to people. Deputy Beebe visited on Halloween and talked to the class about Halloween safety tips. He explained how to have fun but to also stay safe on Halloween. They asked many questions about his job and then told him what they were being for Halloween. See more photos on our Facebook page
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
A class and a deputy pose in front a cop car
students pose with an adult in a classroom
We saw some great costumes last week for Halloween. We love the creativity of our students and staff. See more photos on our Facebook page.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
Two kids in Pikachu costumes hug
Two people pose in hot dog costumes
Capted and masked staff pose for a photo
Costumed children pose
Cafeteria staff got into the Halloween spirit on Monday. We love the costumes!
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
four people in inflatable dinosaur costumes stand near a cash register
people in inflatable dinosaurs talk visit a classroom
two people in inflatable dinosaur concerts visit with kids
people in inflatable dinosaur costumes walk down a hallway
Parents/Guardians of Students in Grades 5-12: Check out this tutorial video on how to use the SchoolTool Parent Portal: https://youtu.be/1HF_fK_zAjY
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
School physicals will be on Nov. 17 from 10 a.m. to noon. Call 607-498-4126 ext 6107 or email adefreitas@roscoe.k12.ny.us to have a child seen for their physical at the school. Copies of physicals for children who have already had their physical at their primary care doctor, should be faxed to 607-498-6015.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
A chest only view of a person in a white coat with a stethoscope  around the neck and pens in a pocket
In order to make sure the food bank has all the necessary supplies to provide a wonderful Thanksgiving to those in need, the RCS Honor Society is asking that each class provide a specific type of non-perishable food: Pre-K/Kindergarten/7th grade: Canned Vegetables (corn, sweet potatoes, green beans); 1st Grade/2nd Grade/8th Grade: Gravy (packets, cans, jars); 3rd Grade/ 9th Grade: Dessert Items, (pie filling, etc.) Canned Fruit (pineapples, mandarin oranges, assorted fruit); 4th Grade/10th Grade Cranberry Sauce, Soup Mixes (mushroom, chicken, cheddar); 5th Grade/11th Grade: Mashed Potatoes; 6th Grade/12th Grade: Stuffing. The collection will -take place from Nov. 7-15. Families should send in items with their students. Members of the public may also drop off donations in the school lobby.
about 2 years ago, Roscoe Central School District
On a blue gradient background reads Thanksgiving Food Drive. Nov. 7-15. The RCS logo is at bottom