Students earn honors for second marking period!
The following students were named to the honor roll for the second marking period of the 2023/24 school year:
Superintendent's Honor Roll:
Grade 7: Mila Park
Grade 8: Andrea Bush, Lily Green, Emily Trotti, Gavin Thomas
Grade 9: David Huezo-Pineda, Brooke Coman, Anastasia Niforatos, Benjamin Johnston
Grade 10: Gregory Poptanich
Grade 11: Rebecca Gashinsky
Grade 12: Aiden Johnston, Sarah Gorr
High Honor Roll:
Grade 5: Jayden McGuire, Owen Dahlman, Delilah Ronk
Grade 6: Finley Hess, Aubree Mcride, Evelina Piatek
Grade 7: Lilyana Pitre, Lauren Day
Grade 8: Cooper Antizzo, Abigail Kinne
Grade 9: Lydia DeVantier
Grade 10: Robert Eckert, Adam Rivera, Olivia Stickle, Gabriella Alger, Lana Gardner,
Logan Schmeiser
Grade 12: Angelina Hund, Zaylee Cox, Athena Niforatos, Selina Fritz, Damien Fletcher
Honor Roll:
Grade 5: Melany DeVantier, Tyler Carpenter, Elias Horn
Grade 6: Jayda Teipelke, James Gardner
Grade 7: Emma Buck, Valentino Wilhelm
Grade 8: Garrett Kurpil
Grade 9: Cullen Hess, Elizabeth Herrmann, Benjamin Fenescey, Landen Ryder
Grade 10: Marc Nieves, Brody Moreno, Nicole Phillips, Emma Sullivan, Julia Meola,
James Rider
Grade 11: Braden Powell
Grade 12: Isabella Francisco, Hailey Sheehan, Robert Buck, Emily Moreno, Zachary Schwartz, Maximillion Haas