845-439-4400 Extension: 2417

Come out and show your Blue Devil PRIDE!!! Support your Roscoe Student Athletes and their teams.
Important, see below:
All student-athletes must have a current sports physical to take part in Athletics.
Please see Mrs. DeFreitas, the school nurse, if you have questions regarding sports physicals. Sports physicals are only valid for one calendar year.
Planning a trip? See below.
NYSPHSAA 7 year calendar for events
Thank you for all of your support for Roscoe Athletics!
So you want to be a coach?
Review link below for Credentials needed to become a RCS Coach

RCS Streams
Mr. Christopher Hubert
Director of Programs, Services, & Athletics
Mrs. DeFreitas
School Nurse
607-498-4126 Extension: 6107
LMCS Fitness Center
The Livingston Manor Central School Fitness Center is open to members of Livingston Manor and Roscoe School Communities Monday-Thursday, 5:00-8:00 PM, Friday 5-7 PM.